O.J. BAMGBOSE & CO, Johannes House, Opposite Methodist Church, Bodija; Secretariat-U.I. Road, Ibadan. Oyo State cesrud2007@gmail.com 0807 851 2710
African rural communities

Making a Difference in African Rural Communities: Centre for Sustainable Rural Development’s Vision

Welcome to the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (CESRUD), a faith-based not-for-profit, Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to advancing sustainable development in African rural communities. Established in 2007 and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria (CAC/IT/NO 25862), CESRUD strives to be a leading advocate for the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development.

Our Aim:

At CESRUD, our primary aim is to champion the cause of the poor and needy in African rural communities where missionary activities are taking place. Through our initiatives, we work towards empowering these communities and fostering sustainable rural development.


1. Identifying Areas of Need: CESRUD conducts comprehensive research studies to identify areas of need within African rural communities where missionary activities are being conducted. This enables us to strategically focus our efforts and resources on areas that require immediate attention.

2. Collaborating with Mission Agencies: We actively collaborate with existing mission agencies to address areas of need, particularly in poverty alleviation and rural community empowerment. By leveraging partnerships, we maximize our impact and create sustainable change.

3. Sustainable Livelihood Creation: CESRUD is committed to assisting rural communities in establishing sustainable sources of livelihood. Through our support and guidance in agriculture, trading, and cottage industries, we empower individuals to improve their quality of life and enhance economic resilience.

4. Volunteer Humanitarian Action: CESRUD harnesses the power of volunteerism to empower local communities and contribute grassroots solutions to rural challenges. Our volunteers engage in healthcare provision, education initiatives, and social development programs, positively impacting the lives of rural dwellers.

5. Advocacy for the Poor: As a leading voice for the poor, CESRUD advocates for their rights and raises awareness about their unique challenges. We actively promote policy changes and societal transformations that uplift African rural communities.

6. Infrastructure Development: CESRUD facilitates the construction of infrastructure aimed at promoting rural development. We recognize the importance of well-planned and well-built infrastructure in improving the lives of rural dwellers, and we actively work towards its realization.

7. Research and Publications: CESRUD conducts research studies to gain deeper insights into poverty-related issues and effective strategies for poverty alleviation. We publish research findings and circulate relevant literature, contributing to knowledge dissemination and promoting evidence-based practices.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to advance the work of missionaries in empowering the poor and needy in African rural communities through sustainable development initiatives. We strive for a future where every individual in these communities has access to opportunities and resources for a dignified life.

Mission Statement:

CESRUD’s mission is to contribute to sustainable livelihood improvement and poverty reduction efforts while promoting missionary activities targeting African rural dwellers. By adopting a collaborative and holistic approach, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those in need.

Join us at CESRUD as we work towards creating a brighter and sustainable future for African rural communities!

One of CESRUD’s impactful projects to a Nigerian community.


In the heart of Africa, where rural communities face immense challenges and where the voices of the poor often go unheard, Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (CESRUD) stands as a beacon of hope. Since its establishment in 2007, CESRUD has been on a transformative journey, advocating for sustainable development and uplifting the lives of those living in African rural areas.

CESRUD’s primary aim is to be a voice for the underprivileged and marginalized individuals residing in African rural communities where missionary activities are taking place. Through collaborative efforts and a holistic approach, CESRUD tackles pressing issues, working towards sustainable solutions that create lasting change.

From the outset, CESRUD has been committed to identifying areas of need within African rural communities by conducting extensive research studies. By understanding the specific challenges these communities face, CESRUD can strategically collaborate with existing mission agencies, joining forces to alleviate poverty and empower rural dwellers.

One of the cornerstones of CESRUD’s work lies in the creation of sustainable livelihoods. Through targeted support and guidance in agriculture, trading, and cottage industries, CESRUD empowers individuals to generate income and improve their quality of life. By focusing on long-term solutions, CESRUD helps communities build self-reliance and resilience in the face of adversity.

Volunteerism is at the heart of CESRUD’s approach. By engaging passionate individuals in various humanitarian actions, including healthcare provision, education initiatives, and social development programs, CESRUD ensures that local communities are actively involved in addressing their own challenges. Grassroots solutions are developed, enabling communities to find their own path to growth and development.

CESRUD recognizes the importance of advocacy in bringing about significant change. By raising awareness about the unique challenges faced by the poor and amplifying their voices, CESRUD advocates for their rights and strives to create an environment where their needs are addressed through policy changes and societal transformations.

Infrastructure development is another vital aspect of CESRUD’s work. By facilitating the construction of infrastructures aimed at promoting rural development, CESRUD lays the foundation for improved living conditions, access to essential services, and enhanced opportunities for rural dwellers.

Through research studies and the publication of relevant literature, CESRUD contributes to the broader knowledge base on poverty alleviation and rural empowerment. By disseminating research findings, CESRUD aims to inspire others, encourage evidence-based practices, and promote collaboration among organizations working towards similar goals.

Join CESRUD on this remarkable journey as we strive to create a brighter future for African rural communities. Together, we can empower the poor and needy, foster sustainable development, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need.

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